Thursday 28 February 2019

lokesha teertharu krishna banks 1420 matha krishnapura mutt yati 05 ashada shukla ashtami ಲೋಕೇಶ ತೀರ್ಥರು

Sri Lokesha Theertha
Sri Lokesha Theertha is the 4th saint after Sri Janardhana Theertha in the guru parampare of Krishnapura mutt.
parampare: krishNapura maTa, #5 Period: 1379 - 1420
Poorvashrama Name :
Ashrama Guru : Sri Vageesha Theertha
Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lokanatha Theertha
Aradhana : Ashada Shudha Ashtami
Vrundavana : on the banks of river Krishna
shri lOkEsha tIrtharu ArAdhane: AshADa shuddha ashTami
Sri Lokesha Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vageesha Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 40 years. He was expert in 4 Shastras. It is believed that he wrote Vyakhyana to Vishnu Tatva Nirnaya of acharya madhwa. He was having knowledge in plants and cured diseases of many people. He cured stomach disease of one person which no one could cure it by giving kashaya (Tonic prepared by herbals & Spices) prepared by him. There is saying that his Vrundavana is in Neramballi but as per mutts kaifiyat he entered Vrundavana on the banks of river Krishna.
After handing over Peeta to Sri Lokanatha Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana on the banks of river Krishna but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.


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