Monday 20 May 2019

sugnananidhi teertharu mulabagilu 1886 matha sripadaraja mutt yati 29 phalguna pournami ಸುಜ್ಞಾನನಿಧಿ ತೀರ್ಥರು

shri gurubyO namaha…hari Om...

phAlguNa shuddha pourNami is the ArAdhane of shri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu of shripAdarAja maTa.

shri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu... 

Period: 1851 - 1886
Parampare: shrIpadarAja maTa, #29
Aradhana: phAlguNa  shuddha pourNami
brindAvana: muLabAgilu
gurugaLu: shri vairAgyanidhi tIrtharu
shishyaru: shri sugunAnidhi tIrtharu

During the time of Sri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu the maTa prospered.

There is a unique incident involving Sri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu. Once he went on a piligrimage to Tirupati. During the journey he stayed in Kapila tIrtha. While wandering in the forest he entered a cave. The cave was the abode of seven sages. The Sages were very much pleased by Sri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu. They honoured him. Afterwards Sri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu continued on his journey as though nothing had happened and did not tell about his darshaNa of the sages to his disciples. Sri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu kept this encounter with the sages a secret until his last moments. When he was about to leave this world he narrated the secret about having darshaNa of sages to his disciples.

He made Sri Hariyappa Achar as his successor, named him sugunAnidhi tIrtharu, and entered Brindavan in 1886 on Phaluguna shuddha pUrNima of Vikruta samvatsara.

shri sujnAnanidhi tIrtharu gurvantargata, shri padmanAbha tIrtha guruvantargata , bhAratIramaNa mukhyaprANAntargata, rukmiNi sathyabhAma pate shri gOpInAtha dEvara pAdAravindakke gOvindA gOvindA.

info from> Sri Sugnananidhi Theertha - During the time of Sri Sugnananidhi Theertha the Mutt prospered well. He too worshipped Lord Gopinatha in Mulabgal.Once he went on a piligrimage to Tirupati. During the journey he stayed in Kapila Theertha for rest.
While wandering in the forest he entered a cave. The cave was the place of abode of seven sages. The Sages was Very much pleased by Sri Sugnananidhi Theertha.The Sages honoured him and looked after him very well. Afterwards he went back on his journey
Sri Sugnananidhi Theertha kept this encounter with the sages as a secret. When he was dying due to ill health he told the secret about the sages to his disciples.

Later he made his son-in-law Sri Hariyappa Charya as his successor and entered Brindavan in 1886 on Phaluguna shudha poornima of Vikruta samvatsara.


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